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Having been featured on screen many times notably on BBC1’s Tumble in 2015 and more recently in The Greatest Showman; Aerial hoop is a beautiful art form. It is one of the oldest and most respected forms in the aerial tradition, aerial hoops help graceful performers create stunning displays of skill high above the stage. The origins of Aerial Hoop, also known as “Circeaux” and “Lyra” are unclear, but it has been mentioned in mainstream circus performance since the mid-2000s.

         It is a suspended steel hoop, much like a hula hoop, but rigged by one or two points and may have evolved from the                high wire and trapeze swinging acts, which in turn came from gymnastics and acrobatics.  The metal hoops come in                two main configurations. One features a single tab, which is the harness that secures the hoop to it’s connecting chain            or rope. A single tab hoop spins and swings easier, but is less stable and will rotate if used for certain poses. A double              tab hoop features two connections, adding balance and stability to the hoop for difficult poses. 

Each class will involve a Warm Up, Conditioning, Hoop Tricks, Transitions and Combos, building to a choreographed routine for each level to conquer over the period of your course, finishing your session with a Cool Down and Stretches. The instructor will demonstrate new tricks, moving around the room to spot students.  Aerial hoop does take a lot of upper body strength but complete beginners are welcome as you will learn tricks and poses step by step, building your strength up over time and developing your flexibility.




        Our classes are all about fun and fitness; for all ages, sizes and abilities.  We all work together to be encouraging and all inclusive.




Please browse the website for information regarding class timetable before emailing us, but if there is something you               cant find then don’t hesitate to ask!


  • Targets your core and upper body to lift your legs up and through the hoop.

  • Improves core stability and strength.

  • Improves balance.

  • Increases flexibility.

  • Improves joint mobility.

  • Increased upper body strength.

  • Building endurance.

  • It’s fun: Above all, the class is extremely enjoyable



  • Leggings or Lycra trousers.

  • Long socks or Leg Warmers to protect your feet (Although not essential).

  • Long sleeved top will help protect arms but Vest top would be ok.

  • Don’t wear anything too baggy, it might get caught.

  • All jewellery to be removed.

  • Avoid upper body workouts the day before class.

  • Get enough sleep the night before.

  • Eat something 60 to 90 minutes prior to class.

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after class. Bring a water bottle.

Anyone can do it: Although it does take time and training, classes can be tailored to fit the needs and physical ability of the individual.


Each individual will learn techniques at their own pace, when you are ready for them. Everyone progresses at different rates and you will be guided through moves safely and effectively


Beginners Only


Learning specific moves, tricks and poses that will give you the skills necessary to be safe and effective. This is where we build on your previous knowledge (Aproximately 20 moves) and start to form simple combinations and short routines. Once you confidently complete Beginners Level you then move into the Improvers classes.


This is a key stage of your training as we perfect your knowledge at Foundation level, improving your strength, flexibility, fitness levels and technique to ensure you will be moving confidently and gracefully around the hoop. Pushing you creative talents even further you will then be comfortable joining Intermediate level Aerial Hoop classes!


These are suitable for students who have completed a Foundation / Beginners course (Aprox 12 weeks) and Improvers (Aprox 12 weeks) or have knowledge and experience in other aerial apparatus to an Intermediate Level. The skills in these classes will build further on your repertoire of hoop moves (Additional 52 moves) and prepare you for putting these into combinations confidently – all on both sides and into more complicated routines! There is a focus on good form and strength to prepare you for the next level.


  • Please see our timetable for specific class times and dates.

  • Classes are available as Blocks, please contact for specific costs to ensure your getting the best options available for you.

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